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Business English as a Second Language – Training Course Outline

Do you need to write documents in English when it is your second language? If so, then this course is for you.

When you write business correspondence or documents you can be at a disadvantage because you are writing in a foreign language. Even if you have been taught English well – or have lived in England for a long time – you may not have learned the subtleties and nuances of communicating well in a business environment. Your knowledge of punctuation and grammar rules, on the other hand, is probably better than many of your English colleagues!

This training course covers the most important rules when writing in English, but concentrates on the things that non-native writers struggle with. We also look at British versus American usage, and explore the way some usage has changed in the last few years. We will cover the kind of clichés that are common in business usage, and many of the standard phrases you may typically come across in day-to-day work.

This course will give you the skills to communicate with confidence in English and improve the perception your superiors and clients have of your abilities.

What you will learn on this training course

By the end of the course, you will know how to:

What our customers say

“I found this training course very useful and it definitely helped to improve my knowledge.”

BA, Wunderman

“The course covers a lot of situations faced in a working environment.”

ML, Wunderman

“I am really happy that I had this training. I had the chance to revise many things and to learn some new ones.”

JT, Clear Swift

How we deliver the Business English as a Second Language course

It is available as a one-day tutor-led Virtual Classroom.

Course Contents

1. Grammar – why it matters

Pre-Course Questionnaire

When you book we send you a questionnaire which we ask you to return to us before you attend the course. This enables our Trainers to assess your needs in advance.

2. Choosing your words

3. Everyday versus formal usage

4. Things you didn't know about spelling

5. Grammar basics – the building blocks of a sentence

6. Avoiding common problems

7. A detailed look at verbs

8. Some hints on proofreading

Enquire Now!

You can enquire about a private course, call us on +44 (0)1235 60 30 22 or email .

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The Documentation &
Training People™

tel 01235 60 30 22