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Effective Writing Skills for People with Dyslexia – Training Course Outline

Dyslexia affects at least four to five percent of the British population, meaning that nearly three million of us are affected by it to varying degrees. Like everyone else, though, people with dyslexia need to write emails, reports and other work-related documents. Producing clear, concise, well-structured documents can seem difficult and take longer than it should.

We are experts in helping people to communicate effectively with their colleagues and clients. Although there isn't a cure for dyslexia, there are things you can do to improve your ability to write effectively. This dyslexia writing course offers a range of suggestions and experiences, giving you the chance to see what works for you and hints and tips to take away and apply to your own circumstances.

What you will cover during this course

By the end of the day, you will:

What our clients say

“Giulia was brilliant, very calm and happy to help each time she was asked a question.”

JM, St Mungo’s

“Love the helpful tips on the mouse map. Giulia was excellent, very easy to get along with & great at explaining things.”

CT, Leaseplan

“Overall: Found the course useful – thank you. Proof reading tips were excellent. Training booklet will be used to refer to.”

KP, Leaseplan

How we deliver the Effective Writing Skills for People with Dyslexia course

It is available as a one-day tutor-led Virtual Classroom.

It is suitable for a maximum of eight delegates at a time.

Course Contents

1. A clear objective

2. Focus on your reader

Pre-Course Questionnaire

When you book we send you a questionnaire which we ask you to return to us before you attend the course. This enables our Trainers to assess your needs in advance.

3. Create a clear structure

4. Writing your document

5. Reading paper documents

6. Staying on top of things

7. Checking your work


The workbook includes the following useful reference information. We can discuss it as part of the workshop session, or delegates can use it as a resource after the course.

1. Things you didn't know about spelling

2. How's your handwriting?

3. Aren’t computers meant to make our lives easier?

4. Exercises

5. Commonly confused words

Enquire Now!

You can enquire about a private course, call us on +44 (0)1235 60 30 22 or email .

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The Documentation &
Training People™

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