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Effective Business Writing

Effective Email

Effective Writing Skills for People with Dyslexia

Business Writing – Email & Report Writing Essentials

Emails and reports are some of the most frequently written business documents.

This workshop covers the five Ws of writing emails and reports that are concise, focused and get the results you need:

Could you be offending people by addressing and signing off your emails badly or getting the tone wrong?

How can you organise your content to make sure important information is clear to readers? Structuring content is even more important in longer reports: you can’t afford to waste time writing documents that people won’t read.

This intensive workshop shows you how to focus on what you are trying to achieve in your reports and emails, and gives you techniques to ensure that your final documents meet those objectives.

What you will learn on this email & report writing essentials

During this course, you will cover:

What our customers say

“Some good tips during the course and the accompanying course book is very comprehensive.”

JH, ICF International

“Great programme that highlights key issues with more examples of our own work.”

LC, IPSEN Biopharm

“Very good, interesting trainer.”

KA, Formula One Management

“The report writing course was a good use of my time and even though some of the tools and techniques were subtle, this will make a big difference if applied to my own work. Thanks Giulia!”

RL, BNP Paribas

How we deliver the email & report writing essentials

It is available as :

Tutor-led classroom

An intensive three-hour tutor-led workshop incorporating individual and group exercises to practise the learning points covered.

Self-study (online) package

A self-study package containing four modules with exercises, totalling one hour.

Course Contents






Enquire Now!

You can enquire about a private course, call us on +44 (0)1235 60 30 22 or email .

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The Documentation &
Training People™

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