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Training Bulletin Issue 80

Training during a pandemic: are you kidding?

Have some of your staff moved to home working? Or are some of them on ‘furlough’ (the government job retention scheme)? If yes to either of these, it’s still possible for your staff to have training. Furloughed staff can continue to receive 80% of their regular income even if they undertake online training.

Plain Words has embraced home working since 1991. Advances in technology since then have made home working possible for nearly all office based workers. Virtual Classroom Training is the safe, sensible option for staff now having to work from home.

Virtual Classroom Training (VCT) – not just for pandemics!

Some of our clients already appreciate that remote training is ideal when their staff are in a lot of different locations. Based on our clients’ requirements, here are couple of reasons why we delivered VCT rather than face to face training:

Why not wait until this is all over?

Yes, you can always wait this out until face to face training is possible again. But the virtual classroom has many advantages which are worth considering:

We can deliver any of our courses using video communications software, and you'll still get all the benefits of attending a Plain Words course:

How can you take part?

Your delegates will need:

For them to talk and listen they will also need one of the following:

Staff can log in from home or from the office and we send the necessary links as part of our usual joining instructions. You’ll receive course materials as PDFs, including our usual exercises and any additional content such as templates.

To find out more, contact or click on this link: https://www.plainwords.co.uk/training_vct.html

Contact us on , or call +44 (0)1235 60 30 22 if you'd like to discuss what we can offer.

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The Documentation &
Training People™

tel 01235 60 30 22

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